Why Us?

I'll never be a sports or exercise fanatic. It's just not for me.

Nobody likes to feel bad. Everybody wants to live longer and happier. Nothing has been shown to improve your life expectancy, overall well-being, and even mental performance like exercise. The key is to keep it up, throughout your life.

This is a program that fits your style, for fitness fanatics and everybody else! Some of us will train for a marathon, some will take more walks. We're about giving you the tools to make it a habit. However that looks for you!

Memberships are very affordable. You can even try us now for free! Click here for a two week, no risk trial.

Why not join a gym?

If a gym is right for you, join a gym! But joining a gym isn't right for everybody. Some people are intimidated by the fanatics (see point 1). Some people do join but rarely go.

We'll help you keep going -- wherever you're going.

Why not classes (or personal training)?

If you want to join a class or get a trainer, go for it. They're great. They have a fixed time and place. You go and do what you're told. This takes all the planning off your plate. That works!

But fitness classes are typically expensive. For example, there are Crossfit gyms in L.A. charging $300 a month. We love classes, but they can set you way back 💰💰💰.

You can afford us. Our system takes away psychological barriers. Get the workout done and get your intensity -- without much thought. No need for a trainer. 

I already exercise. I just never lose weight.

This program isn't just about exercise. Many people had that same problem. You need to know how to set yourself up for a win. Does it mean resisting cravings? Counting calories? Deprive yourself? Does it mean eating yucky food? No. 

The only way to win is to work with your brain, not fight it. That's why, as with our exercise program, we focus on psychology. You'll learn how to eat well without thinking much about it. You'll be on autopilot. And your destination is a healthier, and happier, life. 

Why back fat?

It's a problem no one wants to talk about. But everybody has some. It's kind of like that. Our system is the fitness secret fit for anyone. But, of course, we want all of your body to look good. Not just your back.

Either way, it got your attention. Here you are. You can't lose with a 14 day trial. Click here to get started.

Want a taste?

Read Chapter 0 here.